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Author Ron W. Rathbun
Ron W Rathbun was born in Northern Minnesota. At the age of nine months, he moved with his family to Southern California, when his father was transferred to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. His childhood was not easy. However, it was the adversity that he experienced that inspired him to learn how to free himself, from traumas that many find insurmountable.
After high school, Ron was enrolled in a community college to begin studying psychology when he met a college professor from Cal Tech in Pasadena who had two PhDs, three master’s degrees and was an accomplished scientist, who had studied with Einstein at Princeton. The first thing, the professor said to Ron was, “You need to learn to still your mind.” When Ron showed his mentor the drawing of the Kelee he said, “You know what this is don’t you, it’s Einstein’s model of the universe. A universe without beginning or end, only a point of perception, from which to perceive.” Ron studied and consulted privately with his mentor about the inner workings of the Kelee for twenty-eight years, until his passing in 2006.
Ron’s sole motivation for practicing stillness of mind and studying the Kelee was results-based. All he was looking for, was a way to help himself feel at peace within and with the outside world. It is natural and healthy to quiet one’s thoughts, and it was because of the beautiful changes in Ron, that people who knew him, saw how much calmer and non-reactive he was, and persistently asked him to be their teacher. This is how Ron’s life as a teacher began and how Kelee meditation was born.