Ron's Column
The Kelee Philosophy is, live your life, not somebody else’s.
If you don’t help yourself, how do you become a better person?
The path to finding the answers to all your life’s questions is found in your own Kelee. Kelee meditation will show you how.
What is the Kelee®?
Have you ever felt the sensation of emotion well up from within you? This emotion is found in the Kelee that resides within us all. The roots of the Kelee date back three thousand years in ancient Sanskrit meaning, “having to do with different states of mind or point hunter.” In Greek and Hebrew, Kelee translates as vessel or receptacle. This vessel — your Kelee — holds all of our life’s harmonious and disharmonious emotion within.
What is Kelee Meditation?
Kelee Meditation is a simple 5 minute practice, that teaches you how to still your mind. Learning to still your mind will help you begin to understand your conscious awareness and how your thoughts and emotions influence your life. You will learn where your troubling thoughts and emotions reside within you, and how to dissipate them … for good.
How do I begin Kelee Meditation?
Practice, Patience, Persistence. 5 minutes, twice a day, followed by journaling for self-reflection. Begin and end your day by relaxing your awareness through your Kelee and learn the beautiful experience of stillness in your own mind. As you start to clear your Kelee of negative thought and emotion, you will begin to notice things that used to bother you, simply don’t. What greater gift could you give yourself, than to live from your own peace of mind? Start today.